Bethlehem Catholic Bethlehem Catholic

Becahi Business Directory

Bethlehem Catholic High School 2023-2024 Business Directory

What is the purpose of the Bethlehem Catholic High School Business Directory?

The Becahi Business Directory is a way to share business information within the Bethlehem Catholic
High School family, as well as connecting with businesses throughout the wider school community.
Thank you to our directory members and sponsors for sharing your information and for strengthening
our school network.

Best ways to help Becahi:

  1. Support the businesses listed in the Becahi Business Directory.
  2. Sponsor an Advancement event, such as The Golden Gala or Golden Hawk Golf Classic.
  3. Join EITC to make a transformational $1,000+ gift to Becahi at little or no cost in 15 minutes or less.
  4. List your business in the Becahi Business Directory by completing the online form.

Contact Regan Downey, Events Coordinator, at 610-866-0791, ext. 323 or for more information.