Bethlehem Catholic Bethlehem Catholic

Stephen Tomaszewski

Department: Social Studies | Email: | Phone: (610) 866-0791 ext. 5111

Mr. Stephen Tomaszewski began his tenure with the Social Studies department at the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year. Since then he has taught American History, World History, Honors Government and World Geography. Mr. Tomaszewski is a graduate of Moravian College where he received his Bachelors in History and then Certification in Secondary Education Social Studies from Kutztown University. As a graduate of the class of 2001 and a member of the baseball team, he returned to assist the Golden Hawks in 2009 where he currently remains an assistant on the varsity baseball coaching staff. Mr. Tomaszewski is also the National History Day coordinator and involved in organizing and monitoring Intramural activities.