Bethlehem Catholic High School Honor Code
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
~John 14:6
The Honor Code is based on the belief that true learning depends on honesty. Bethlehem Catholic High School functions on the basis of mutual trust and respect among all members of the community. As a result, students are expected to demonstrate integrity and individual responsibility, both personally and academically, in order to maintain a fair and honest environment. Students who commit themselves to upholding Bethlehem Catholic’s honor code will be instilled with a sense of honor and integrity that will last beyond their high school years.
I affirm that the work I submit is my own and that I have neither received nor given unauthorized help, and I will not tolerate those who do.
This will be posted in all classrooms.
While a member of the Bethlehem Catholic Community, each student is expected to conduct himself/herself with integrity and to uphold the honor code. Though not exhaustive, the following represent examples of actions, which violate the honor code:
Copying work or giving your own work to another; unauthorized use of study aids or collaboration during testing; obtaining or distributing copies of testing materials; giving or receiving information regarding a test before, during, or after the test.
Representing others’ ideas or expressions, whether knowingly or unknowingly, as your own without proper citation of credit. will be utilized in order to monitor adherence to the policy.
Buying, selling, giving, sharing or receiving term papers, notebooks, or other acts that allow for falsely taking credit, from any source, including the Internet.
Use of cell phones or the improper use of other electronic devices such as translators, graphing calculators, etc.
Lying during inquiries of academic dishonesty.
1st Offense
2nd Offense
Subsequent Offenses
In addition to the above consequences, a student could be ineligible for any future leadership positions at Bethlehem Catholic High School, and/or disenrollment from the school.
Further, as always, with administrative approval, a quarter grade below 60 is possible.
Academic Sanctions for Honor Code Violations for Homework:
Student receives a 0 for the assignment with no opportunity for make-up.
©2025 Bethlehem Catholic High School.